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The Future Is Bright For In-Bin Grain Drying

This video gives a comprehensive break down of all IBD components and illustrates how the Top Grade Ag IBD monitor and it’s dash board will revolutionize In-Bin drying.  Real life examples from Fall 2019 harvest are reviewed showing the cost and predictability that can be expected from in-bin drying.  A scenario of capital costs for putting together drying capacity using existing aeration bins is presented illustrating the significant advantage over built for purpose grain dryers.

The Future Is Bright For In-Bin Grain Drying - Part 2

This video gets into the science of how in-bin grain drying works and the important functions of airflow.  A comparative overview of aeration fan types and the design characteristics of each are discussed, providing valuable knowledge for the farmer when purchasing aeration fans for drying or cooling grain.

The Future Is Bright For In-Bin Grain Drying - Part 3

What is the most efficient air delivery method for in bin drying?   Grain bin design and venting requirements will also be looked at in this comprehensive overview of how to convert your existing grain storage infrastructure to efficient IBD facilities.

The Future Is Bright For In-Bin Grain Drying - Part 4

Supplemental heat for in bin drying.  How to efficiently get your BTU’s from the fuel into the bin!  Fuel choices and the impact they have on overall drying costs.